macau || october 2004

Talk of travels has me scanning all my pictures from yesteryear. It boggles me how I have billions of images from places I visited for a week, two, or even just a mere weekend, while I have what seems, in comparison, to be a handful of images from a place I spent months upon months. Where the hell was my camera during all those walks and excursions? I guess my camera was where my mind was, elsewhere. One of the directors from our program warned us near the end that, when we get home, not to be too disappointed if those around us weren't nearly as excited as we were. About the pictures we showed them, the stories we had to tell, etc. Understandably. They weren't there, they didn't experience it. It just isn't the same. My folks merely squinted at the 2 albums I had of my chronologically arranged adventures. If the pictures were 8x10, they'd probably appreciate it more. Or at least see them clearly. Alas, my picturess were too tiny for them to see, with my mom borrowing my dad's glasses from time to time. Then again, they disapproved of the mass amounts of pictures I had without people in them anyway. To them, pictures without people were/are pointless, a waste of film. Haha. As to the rest, yeah, mild interest. Understandably. But sad. So anyway, let's skip all this, the point is I was glancing over my pics. Thought I'd share one or two.

MissMa's most bemoaned pic.
[One of MissMa's favorites, almost. A potential postcard, if only...]

One of the most yummy meals I had was during our 'educational' trip to Macau. We ate at this place called Fernandos. The guide guy we had was British or something like that aka accent. He had grey/white hair. A jolly guy. I have this picture I took down the long table we all sat. He happened to be at the head of it, and boy did his face look pink like he'd gulped down a gallon or 10 of alcoholism. He musta just been drunk with joy at having our wonderful company cuz there wasn't any bubbly to be had. Just lotsa yummy food. Macau itself, being of Portuguese influence, was very different from HK. The architecture. Very...European, I guess. Don't know exactly what 'European' would mean, but yeah. Classical European, more like. Very clean cut. And the theme was very ocean influenced. The brickwork on the ground was done in undulating patterns, mimicking the waters. By this temple we visited, they even had serpentian like protrusions surfacing from the 'water'. Near the Maritime Museum, which is further to the left.

the limber timber of Asia, bamboo.
[The limbery timber of Asia, the ever versatile bamboo.]

We only spent one day there. And since it was a group trip, not too much major wandering going on. We visited many of the sites and such, but no time to drop in any of those famed hellholes you always see/hear in HK movies. It is educational, no? Ha. I think one was pointed out as being called The Birdcage.

To be continued. Perhaps.